Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Blog Site

I no longer use this blog site. For my new site, go to

Monday, February 2, 2009

Strength of Unity

As we prepared for the Intentional Sisterhood Conference, the team leaders met frequently over the year prior to the event. During that time the 6 of us became a close knit group of women who had a vision and we were united together by Jesus Christ and our commitment. The Intentional Sisterhood Conference happened on January 17th - and God was glorified throughout the event. Most everything went well and those who attended were blessed and challenged. The success of the event first was God himself - second it was His bringing together a team of women with vision and unity that was also a part of the success. I learned through this journey how well a plan can go when there is unity of purpose and friendship. We all respected each other and helped each other out whenever it was needed. What a great group of women to walk this journey with. It was a time of learning and growing for us all.

Thanks to all who came and we appreciated your encouragement to have this conference again next year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No I Have Not

No...I have not called the person with the snakes yet. But - yes - I will. My date for calling will be before Thanksgiving. If I give myself a date, maybe that will be a motivating factor to keep moving.

On another note, I have had on my heart the desire to begin journaling my thoughts on being a baby boomer generation person and confessing some of what I am beginning to believe is the "error of my ways because of the generational influence." Make sense? Since becoming a follower of Jesus, I have sensed this "still small voice" inside of me saying "there are cultural issues within your life that are not honoring to Me (God)." Recently, I have come to the conclusion I need to begin looking at where my culture has dominated the way I decide how to believe or live when it comes to certain issues. These issues are things like death penalty, patriotism, politics, etc. So, should I start a new blog about this or write it in a journal? I'm not sure. I know not many people read this blog, but I would be curious - for those who are reading, what do you think I should do? Start a new blog titled "Confessions of a Christian Baby Boomer" or just journal via Word?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Update on Snakes

I finally was able to locate at church a couple Sunday's ago, the individual who gave me their business card (see the other posts below). I have it in my hands. The plastic snake that a woman gave to me has been in my house and on the table when I work from home. It is now somewhere on the floor at home. This morning as I was driving into work, I thought "what would I do if while I was driving there was a snake in my car?" How that came up in my thoughts - I'll never know.

Okay - so I haven't called the individual yet about seeing his snakes. I was out last week in Atlanta for the Catalyst Conference and was challenged and encouraged. However, I find the past few days that I am discouraged about the women's conference we have been developing for over a year now. We are not finding women signing up for the conference even though we have distributed many brochures and posted posters. God - I praise you anyway!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Happened Sunday? Snake Update

I have come to the conclusion that God is calling me to face my fear of snakes. Why? I think it is because the lesson it is teaching me about facing fear. So I will continue this fear journey!

When I got to church Sunday, as I was standing in the foyer, a woman from church came up to me and laid a plastic snake in front of me (she gave me a warning ahead of time). As I stood there, my mouth dropped as I recognized God's hand in all of this. After all, I had just written in my blog that morning about facing this fear of snakes. I was able to pick up the plastic snake, hold it and put it on my shoulder for the morning - and it came easy to me. Thank you God! I believe this was an important step for me as I move closer to the real snakes.

On another note, I have not yet found the business card of the person who has the snake for me to see.