Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Happened Sunday? Snake Update

I have come to the conclusion that God is calling me to face my fear of snakes. Why? I think it is because the lesson it is teaching me about facing fear. So I will continue this fear journey!

When I got to church Sunday, as I was standing in the foyer, a woman from church came up to me and laid a plastic snake in front of me (she gave me a warning ahead of time). As I stood there, my mouth dropped as I recognized God's hand in all of this. After all, I had just written in my blog that morning about facing this fear of snakes. I was able to pick up the plastic snake, hold it and put it on my shoulder for the morning - and it came easy to me. Thank you God! I believe this was an important step for me as I move closer to the real snakes.

On another note, I have not yet found the business card of the person who has the snake for me to see.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fear Update #3

This morning, I went to find the business card from the person who said they would let me come and see their snakes. This morning, it felt like I could take that step. My plan was to send them an email requesting a time for me to come to their home. I thought I put the business card in my wallet. However, after rummaging through it three times, the card is no where to be found.

Today is Sunday morning and I am just about ready to leave for church. Will I find this person in church this morning? If I do, will I go up and request their contact information? Am I ready to take this next step? I am not sure. In my inner voice, I keep hearing "why do you need to go through with this?" Does it mean that much to God that I face my fear of snakes? I am not sure it does. So why bother? I can tell you this; I do sense God saying to walk towards this fear. And I wish I knew why it mattered.

What will I do when I get to church this morning and I see this individual?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fear Update #2

Okay, so in church today I saw the lady who's husband gave me the business card a couple Sunday's ago and wants me to come see his snakes. I did not go up and talk to her - I'm still fearful. Oh and by the way, I still have the business card. When will I finally put in a call to him? Stay tuned for the next chapter to see if I actually take his business card out of my wallet!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fear Update

On Sunday, August 31, I spoke about the affects of fear in my life. My story starts with my fear of snakes and how just the sight of one paralyzes me. Fear is devastating to my life. It does not allow me the freedom to be who God has called me to be. Fear also puts me in prison because fear is what drives me and not my faith or trust in God. I encouraged everyone to face their fears and for me, I wondered whether I really had to face my fear of snakes. I mean does it really matter if I am afraid of snakes?

After the first service, an individual gave me their business card and said they had 2 very nice snakes as pets and they wanted to allow me the opportunity to face my fear. I still have the business card that was given to me to contact them and make the visit to their friendly snakes. Since I challenged everyone to face their fears, I believe I must face this fear of snakes as well. I am considering and contemplating making the call to the person to begin my journey of facing this particular fear of mine.

I continue to face other fears in my life - such as fear of what people might think, fear of losing friendships, fear of the future, and fear of failure. These are just a few of the fears God is making me face. Thanks to friendships and people in my life, there are plenty of opportunities for me to see and experience these fears and attempt to face them. God is good at bringing me to the point of learning to trust in Him as I experience fear.

Remember, take someone with you as you face fear.