Monday, July 28, 2008

In the Woods....with Friends

It has been a while since I've written. I'm not even sure how many people are really reading the blogsite. But if nothing else, it is a place for me to journal. My last course to finish my bachelor's degree is over. It feels great to finally have that chapter in my story completed! What do I do now??

Last night, I spent the evening sitting underneath the trees in the quietness with 15 other women. We laughed, listened and shared some of our stories. I learned from that evening and hearing their stories that relationships are what shape us. Each woman had something in her story about people who have stepped into their lives and shaped who they are - some were influences that gave them hope where others gave them pain. It was a joy to hear their stories and to find out more about the person God had made them to be. His love was evident in each of the women.

It was a great time being together and sharing our lives for that 2 hours moment in the woods. I would not have wanted to be anywhere else for those 2 hours yesterday.